5 Egg Hacks That You Need To Know Before You Boil The Water

These 5 Hard Boiled Egg Hacks Will Make This Task So Much Easier

How many times have you boiled eggs, only to have them crack or resist peeling?  These 5 Egg Hacks will rescue you from your egg woes!


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Eggs are such a staple in our diets these days.  Such a great source of protein, with so many different ways to prepare them.  Hard boiled is one go-to cooking method, but boy, can it be a pain to get right!  There always seems to be one that cracks and leaks into the water.  Or one that refuses to cooperate when peeling.  Check out these simple tips on how to make your next egg boil foolproof!  We love the one where you just shake the shells right off!  Do you have a favorite egg tip?


WATCH: 5 Egg Hacks That Will Change The Way You Boil Eggs!


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