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5 Ways To Jump Start Back To School

Just like that, it’s BACK TO SCHOOL time!

Here are some {5 to be exact} fun ways to help you get ready, get your kids excited and to help your teachers feel the love! Thanks to all the creative moms out there for these great ideas!



#1) Take a “Back to school” photo: Cut up an old box and create a picture frame for your kiddos to pose within. What a great memory of their first day back!



#2) Plan a “Back to school” dinner: In honor of your student-child, hold a dinner to kick-off the new school year!

3 Ways to make your ‘back to school’ dinner a success is:

A) Let the kids pick the menu;

B) Let the kids set the table and make homemade decorations for the occasion;

C) As you sit around the table, discuss last year’s successes and set in place how this year can be a success, too!



#3) Create these adorable back to school snacks for lunch boxes or backpacks! Simply collect your old CD covers (or they can be purchased for very little) and fill them with some great snacks. The printable ruler band can be printed at home…click here for the printable version.



#4) Fill their lunch boxes with JOKES to brighten their day! Laminate to reuse, especially if you have multiple children in school. OR just hand write on a napkin. Either way, your child will know how special they are every time they get a note from you! And if jokes aren’t your thing…send words of inspiration, scriptures or just lovey-dovey words from mom and dad! 🙂



#5) Teacher’s “Back To School” first aid kit! Let’s don’t forget our teachers who do SO MUCH for all of our children. Here’s a clever idea…fill a lunchbox or container with some thoughtful goodies. For example, a Tide stick, pack of gum or mints, a gift card to their favorite store to buy art supplies, maybe some candy / chocolate, bandaids, hand sanitizer, etc. Be creative…and have fun! I PROMISE the teachers will love it!


For more creative ideas, click here!

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