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5 DIY Projects To TRANSFORM Old Chairs!

Upcycling has become so popular for so many reasons. But I really think people love to save the money AND use something that is already just sitting there screaming for a new purpose!

So, I have collected (from Pinterest) some of my most favorite “Chair to Bench” transformations along with tutorials for you to do at home!

Bench #1) Suesan took three old dining room chairs and turned them into this stunning 3-seater bench with a custom cushion. And she shares with you both tutorials to make this stunning recreation a reality for you!

For the bench tutorial, click here! And to complete the look with a custom cushion, click here for more information.

Suesan – Frou FruGal

Suesan – Frou FruGal

Suesan – Frou FruGal

Suesan – Frou FruGal

Bench #2) Sherry and John have been at this for years. Go under their “projects” tab for more information on how to get this look!



Bench #3) Kindall has been collecting chairs from all over – finding some for a little as $2. And as you can see, they don’t have to be in perfect condition…just need to be loved!

Bench #4) The DIY Network is another great source for repurposing old chairs into stellar benches that offer tons of charisma! They will show you how to turn a flea market find into a treasure for sure.




Bench #5) Love this curvy bench idea – so chic!

Tammy found these three chairs in an alley. And they were just what she had been looking for! Per Tammy, the arms and legs had to be adjusted but all in all, she was thrilled! Go to her site, Deja Vue Designs for more information and be inspired!

Deja Vue Designs

I hope you enjoy these ideas and are ready to hop into action and get started on a new project. I know I am! My mind is already spinning with what sort of chairs to be on the lookout for a bench for the backyard! YAY! I love projecting. 🙂


HT Pinterest

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