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Holiday Tablecloth Tradition That’s Simple and Heartwarming

Holiday Tablecloth Tradition That’s Simple and Heartwarming

This holiday tablecloth is a tradition that will eventually become a family heirloom. it’s so simple to make but it’s priceless. Each year everyone signs the tablecloth that shared a holiday meal.


The loving mom that owns this cloth wrote on Facebook.:

“We started this tablecloth in 2000. It has the names of everyone we’ve shared Thanksgiving with each year. Each year is a different color. I am so grateful to have the signatures of those who have left us. . . mom, David’s dad, our daughter Mary. It has scribbles of grands and special messages. Everyone signs it at our Thanksgiving and then I embroider it each year and it is quite a treasure to me. Along the edge is a key of what color goes with what year. Thanksgiving is this weekend at our house so we are ready for a new set of signatures.”









Here’s what you’ll need:


For more details check out : SunnySkyz

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